Cursed Mario 64... or something

One dark and cloudy day, I bought a copy of Mario 64 from an old guy at Sears. I probably shouldn't have trusted him, because as much as I liked his mustache, it struck me as very untrustworthy. And also, the game was previously owned by some kid who died, or something. Nonetheless, I took the game home, and started playing. Much to my confusion, it was not a copy of Mario 64 at all. It was a game with a little girl who runs up to me and speaks a lot of stuff in Japanese. And also, there is a bird, that, I'm pretty sure really wants me to stop playing the game. But then, all of a sudden, it was Mario 64, but it was dark, and very scary things were happening. And then, when I thought it couldn't get any more the scarier, all of a sudden, THERE WAS MARIO WITH A GOOMBA FOR A HEAD OH GOD IT WAS AWFUL!!!!!!!!1 The End.